Wind & Wildlife: Comprehensive species mitigation to streamline permitting

1 hour 5 min
Wind & Wildlife: Comprehensive species mitigation to streamline permitting

This webinar, “Wind and Wildlife—Comprehensive Species Mitigation and Streamlining Your Permitting,” offers a deep dive into the intersection of renewable energy development and wildlife conservation. Hosted by experts from RES and guest speaker Ben Cowen, an attorney specializing in habitat conservation plans (HCPs) and incidental take permits (ITPs), the session provides actionable insights into navigating regulatory requirements while protecting wildlife.

Participants will gain an understanding of how regulatory frameworks under the Endangered Species Act influence mitigation planning. The discussion will outline the importance of integrating mitigation efforts early in the development process, minimizing permitting delays and reducing project costs. Attendees will learn about strategies for designing effective HCPs and ITPs, including species mitigation techniques like habitat preservation, enhancement, and land-use adjustments.

Case studies from the Midwest will illustrate how RES has successfully addressed species impacts, such as those affecting Indiana bats and northern long-eared bats. These examples demonstrate RES’s ability to collaborate with regulatory agencies, utilize advanced credit methodologies, and deliver cost-effective, conservation-focused solutions.

This webinar equips developers, consultants, and stakeholders with the tools to proactively address wildlife impacts, streamline permitting processes, and achieve compliance while supporting biodiversity.