Volunteer planting day: BHP Terrebonne biodiversity projects

3 min
Volunteer planting day: BHP Terrebonne biodiversity projects

In a significant step toward restoring Louisiana’s historic cypress swamps, more than 100 volunteers planted the final 1,000 trees of a 30,000-tree project in Terrebonne Parish. This effort, led by RES, BHP, and America’s Wetlands, not only revitalizes an essential ecosystem but also strengthens the region’s resilience against storms and rising seas.

Behind the planting area stands a levee, designed to shield local communities from storm surges. In front lies the “green infrastructure”—restored swamplands—that offers an additional layer of protection by absorbing floodwaters and buffering the levee from wave impacts.

Just years ago, planting cypress trees in this area would have been impossible due to high salinity levels. However, the construction of the levee and improved control over saltwater intrusion have created conditions suitable for these long-lived trees. The newly planted cypress trees symbolize hope and sustainability, with their potential to thrive for generations, protecting and enriching the region.

“This is a battle we’re winning,” one participant shared, reflecting on over 15 years of restoration efforts. Terrebonne, meaning “The Good Earth,” is reclaiming its identity, one project at a time.