May 2024 marks one year since RES launched a collection and relocation effort at JC Boyle Reservoir (Oregon) for an increasingly rare species of suckers – C’waam or Lost River sucker, Koptu or shortnose sucker, and the Klamath largescale sucker. It was imperative to move these critically endangered fish to safe habitats before the reservoir was drained in preparation for dam removal. We partnered with the Klamath Tribes as well as state and federal agency staff to carry out this endeavor. This video captures the highlights of the complex operation.
At the heart of Klamath tribal culture, sucker fish have long symbolized survival and prosperity. Historically, their seasonal runs marked a time of plenty for the Klamath people, but today, these fish are critically endangered. Tribal members believe that if the sucker fish disappear, a vital part of their identity and existence will vanish as well.
In preparation for the removal of the Iron Gate, Copco, and JC Boyle dams, a concerted effort was undertaken to relocate lost river suckers (Schwam), shortnose suckers (Cop-two), and Klamath largescale suckers (Yen) from the project area reservoirs. These fish rely on slow-water lake habitats, which will convert to free-flowing river systems post-dam removal—ideal for salmon and steelhead, but unsuitable for suckers.
In collaboration with the Klamath Tribes, the Karuk Tribe, and various partners, RES worked to capture, tag, and relocate these fish. Teams collected fin clips for genetic analysis, contributing to a growing library of sucker genetics. Some fish were transferred to the Klamath Tribes’ fish-rearing facility, while others were moved to the Lower Klamath National Wildlife Refuge. These efforts aim to integrate the fish into recovery populations or manage them for long-term sustainability.
Suckers live for decades, with some individuals exceeding 40 years, making every relocation critical. This initiative not only preserves a species on the brink of extinction but also honors the cultural heritage of the Klamath people, who hope their children and grandchildren will one day again enjoy this vital connection to their ancestral traditions. As one tribal member expressed, “Every fish counts, and any fish can make a difference.”