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Restoring nature’s fish habitats: Nicholls State University studies marsh terraces

Written by Anonymous | Nov 20, 2024 1:14:16 PM

In Louisiana’s coastal wetlands, a collaborative restoration project led by RES, BHP, and Nicholls State University aims to assess the effectiveness of terrace creation as a habitat restoration technique. Terraces, constructed to maximize marsh-edge habitat, are critical for supporting diverse aquatic life by replicating natural nursery conditions found in adjacent marshes.

Through coastal restoration efforts, including terrace creation and vegetation development, the initiative supports diverse species, from fish to crustaceans. 

The project also highlights the region’s broader challenges, such as subsidence, saltwater intrusion, and cypress tree loss. BHP’s investment underscores the importance of corporate sustainability commitments, demonstrating how green engineering and partnerships can drive meaningful restoration. Nicholls State University students, deeply impacted by coastal land loss, actively contribute to the research, gaining hands-on experience in marsh restoration.