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Protecting golden-cheeked warbler habitat in central Texas

Written by Anonymous | Oct 9, 2024 1:43:09 PM

Male golden-cheeked warblers repeat an ascending buzzy song to mark their territory and attract a mate.

But you’ll only hear that song if you find yourself at an elevation of 590–1,700 feet in a mature juniper-oak woodland among the hills and canyons of Texas Hill Country in March, and you have some patience. Golden-cheeked warblers breed almost exclusively in these intact woodlands scattered throughout a few dozen counties in central Texas.

Golden-cheeked Warblers depend on Juniper-Oak Woodland

Golden-cheeked warblers (Setophaga chrysoparia) are loyal to their juniper-oak woodland nesting grounds, returning to the same specific area each year. After pairing up in early spring, the female chooses a site—usually in the upper reaches of a juniper tree—and leads the construction of a cup-shaped nest woven from Ashe juniper (Juniperus ashei) bark, along with spider silk and other materials.

The junipers also provide a critical food source. Golden-cheeked warblers pick soft-bodied insects, especially caterpillars, from junipers, oaks, and other trees to feed their young.

But golden-cheeked warblers can’t survive on junipers alone. While a few breeding pairs have been found in the suburbs, a stable, healthy golden-cheeked warbler population depends on protecting and restoring intact juniper-oak woodlands in central Texas—a habitat that is shrinking and cannot quickly recover from disturbance.

Ongoing threats to Golden-cheeked Warblers

While most bird species in North America are threatened by the impacts of climate change, habitat loss and fragmentation, and even outdoor cats and glass buildings, there is increased pressure on golden-cheeked warblers because their breeding range is so small.

Concerns about human destruction of golden-cheeked warbler breeding habitat date to the late 1800s, but these songbirds weren’t officially listed as endangered under the Endangered Species Act in the United States until 1990.

As the human population of central Texas has grown, urbanization and land development have caused significant breeding habitat loss, fragmentation, and degradation. Unfortunately, the golden-cheeked warbler’s wintering habitats in Mexico and Central America are also shrinking because of logging, agriculture, mining, and urbanization.

Even within breeding habitats protected from development, golden-cheeked warblers face challenges from invasive species, nest predation, and brood parasitism.

Protecting Golden-cheeked Warblers at Festina Lente Ranch Conservation Bank

Established in 2016 RES’ Festina Lente Ranch Conservation Bank provides permanent conservation of approximately 500 acres of golden-cheeked warbler breeding habitat in Bandera County, TX. To maximize contiguous breeding habitat, the bank was strategically sited across from Lost Maples State Natural Area, a 2,174-acre preserve managed by the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department that also supports golden-cheeked warblers.

At Festina Lente Ranch Conservation Bank, a variety of threats to golden-cheeked warblers are managed to promote breeding success, including:

  • Brown-headed cowbirds(Molothrus ater), a native species, lay their eggs in other birds’ nests for them to raise—a reproductive approach called brood parasitism. Cowbird eggs hatch before the golden-cheeked warbler eggs, and the larger cowbird nestlings can outcompete the warbler’s nestlings for food.
  • Red imported fire ants (Solenopsis invicta) can kill golden-cheeked warbler chicks if they reach the nest. These invasive ants also outcompete native ant species, reducing available food sources.
  • Feral hogsdisturb the soil when rooting for food and wallowing—consuming the acorns that would become the next generation of oak trees, damaging native vegetation, creating erosion issues, and developing openings for invasive species to establish. Invasive populations of feral hogs comprise a mix of escaped domestic pigs, Eurasian wild boars, and hybrid offspring.
  • Chinaberry trees(Melia azedarach) grow quickly and spread rapidly through root sprouts and seeds. These invasive trees outcompete native vegetation, crowding out the trees that golden-cheeked warblers depend on.
  • Oak wiltis a disease caused by a fungus (Bretziella fagacearum) that can quickly kill oak trees, especially trees in the red oak group. It spreads through sap-feeding beetles and underground connections between root systems.

RES ecologists have been pleased to find that these threats currently pose little risk to golden-cheeked warbler populations at Festina Lente Ranch. Oak wilt has not been detected, brown-headed cowbird numbers are low due to nearby trapping efforts, and the presence of native red harvester ants indicates that red imported fire ants are generally absent. Management efforts have kept feral hog populations in check and a single chinaberry tree has been addressed.

With permanent protection and stewardship, Festina Lente Ranch Conservation Bank can continue to support a large population of federally endangered golden-cheeked warblers, as well as a smaller number of federally endangered black-capped vireos (Vireo atricapilla).

Learn more about Festina Lente Ranch Conservation Bank and available golden-cheeked warbler mitigation credits.

Sources & Further Reading

Key Takeaways

  • Invasive species – from foragers to biting insects to competitive vegetation – are combining to threaten a woodland warbler with a narrow range
  • Connected wildlife corridors with adaptive management of threats are a useful conservation tool

Photo credits:

Photo by Jason Crotty - CC BY 2.0
Photo by Bettina Arrigoni - CC BY 2.0